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Our chapters

We're a grassroots, ground-up organization — built on community support, and dedicated to giving back.

Our network grows stronger with every chapter we add.

Our irreplaceable network of chapter volunteers serves as the first response to local threats in coastal communities across the US. They are the boots on the ground who collaborate on both the local and national level with regional staff and issue experts to carry out our mission through campaign, program and educational initiatives in their local communities.


Our Chapters









New Hampshire


Rhode Island


Cape & Islands

Region-wide Events and Activities 

Team Work Makes the Dream Work

The Northeast Chapters love to work together.

Want to take part in a Northeast Region-wide event or activity? Check out below some current projects.

  • DIY Coastal Cleanup Contest:
    • Our CT, RI, MA, NH, ME, and Cape & Islands Chapters worked together to host a Coastal Cleanup Contest from July 21st to September 23rd, 2023. Congrats to Nicholas Campbell of the MA Chapter for being our grand prize winner and receiving a free wetsuit from O'Neill. Also congrats to Rebecca McGee Tuck for being our Art Award winner, Lindsay Claire for being our People's Choice winner, and Frank Kwan for being our Social Gathering winner!
  • Offshore Wind 101 Webinar:
    • On September 14th, Our Mid-Atlantic Policy Manager, Matt Gove, held a Northeast Wind 101 Webinar to talk about upcoming projects in the region and answer questions on the topic! Watch the recording here. Password: ZA4XL=zR
  • Region Wide Technology Training
    • Our Northeast Regional Manager held a technology training open to all chapters on February 1st, 2024. Link to watch the recording here
  • Climate Action Program Webinar 
    • Our Climate Action Program Manager hosted a kickoff webinar to introduce the program and answer any questions. Watch the recording here. 
Massachusetts STOKEE 2022 Day 2 Group Photo Nahant

Get involved

Just as we're powered by our chapters, our chapters are powered by the efforts of volunteers and activists like you.